About Pastor Steve


Pastor Steve is an outspoken Christian Minister and Author, who advocates for Christian values, Traditional Family, Constitutional Awareness, and the Protection of Children from Political and Ideological Indoctrination. 

Pastor Steve is affiliated with several organizations that defend and educate on constitutional rights, constitutional literacy, and the ethical and moral raising of children and families. Though many misinterpret his views and those of some organizations he is affiliated with, Pastor Steve believes that all are God's creations regardless of race, environment, or political affiliations.   

Pastor Steve however does not compromise God’s word or condone anything contrary to or against the teachings of biblical scripture or the United States Constitution. 

Pastor Steve believes that churches play a critical role in educating their congregations on having a healthy biblical worldview and applying that biblical worldview to matters of community, civic responsibility, and stewardship. 


Ordained and Commissioned Non-Denominational Christian Minister and is continually pursuing theological and ministerial studies.

 Former Private Security Field Operations Supervisor/Field Training Officer.


Rev. Steven Hofmeister

Outspoken Minister on civics, religious rights, and christian values

Christian Minister, Author, Parental Rights & Traditional Family Advocate

Patriot Academy Constitution Coach